September 2023 Newsletter

FOSTORIA COIN CLUB      PO Box 613 Fostoria OH 44830
President – Chuck Brandeberry (419) 435-8949                           Vice President- Harry Colvin
Treas. Vincent Gaietto (419) 447-8861                             Sec.- Christie Gwiner (419) 722-1821
Sgt/Arms – Cody Roth (419)701-1450                            Auction – Phil Warrington
The August meeting of the Fostoria Coin Club was called to order August 21st, 2023, at 7:30pm by President Brandeberry with the Pledge of Allegiance. Twenty-four members, including one guest, were in attendance. The July minutes were read and approved, as was the Treasurer’s report. Next meeting will be held on Monday, September 18th, at 7:30pm, at the Fostoria Learning Center.

 Old Business :  None

New Business-
Two new members - Alan and Shirley - were voted into membership.
2024 Red Books are available for $12, which is the club cost. These were supplied by Phil Cole.
The club recognized Vic for supplying the door prizes at a very fair cost.
The Columbus Coin Show is Aug 30-Sep 2. Gary is selling tickets.

Show Business:
Vince asked for the same people to chair the same areas as last year.
The show is March 24, 2024.
Cody expressed that he will need more rooms for the next show to accommodate the number of dealers.
Bruce is getting the first place gold piece for the raffle.
The club is asking for someone to step up to be the Chairman/Co-Chair.

Harry and Tom respectively motioned and seconded for adjournment of the meeting.