FOSTORIA COIN CLUB      PO Box 613 Fostoria OH 44830

January 2023 Newsletter


President – Chuck Brandeberry (419)435-8949                           Vice President- Harry Colvin

Treas. Vincent Gaietto (419) 447-8861                            Secretary- Christie Gwiner (419) 722-1821

Sgt/Arms – Cody Roth    (419)701-1450                                              Auction – Phil Warrington


The December meeting of the Fostoria Coin Club was called to order December 19th, 2022, at 7:30pm by President Gary Moran with the Pledge of Allegiance. Eighteen members were in attendance. The November minutes were read and approved, as was the Treasurer’s report. Next meeting will be held on Monday, January 16th, at 7:30 PM at the Fostoria Learning Center.


Old Business -     

The same 3 Redbooks are still available at $11


Show Business -    

               Vini went to the Craft Show at the Learning Center to view the table arrangement, and he discussed how they          utilized the space available.


               Tickets are available to start selling. Maps were added to the fliers.

               Chairs and tables will be secured thru Cole’s Auction house.

               Security will be from Fremont.


               Show date is Sunday, March 26th and will be the 59th Annual Show


New Business-

               2023 dues are due - $5 / adults, $1 / youth


Officer nominations were discussed. Chuck Brandeberry was selected as President. All other officers will renew in January.


The meeting was adjourned, with the Christmas party following.