FOSTORIA COIN CLUB PO Box 613 Fostoria OH 44830 This is an updated email – please add to your contacts
July 2022 Newsletter FOSTORIA COIN CLUB OFFICERS 2021
President – Gary Moran (614) 620-1264 Vice President- Harry Colvin
Treas. Vincent Gaietto (419) 447-8861 Secretary- Christie Gwiner (419) 722-1821
Sgt/Arms – Cody Roth (419)701-1450 Auction – Phil Warrington
The June meeting of the Fostoria Coin Club was called to order June 20th, 2022, at 7:30pm by President Gary Moran with the Pledge of Allegiance. Eighteen members and one guest were present. The minutes from the April meeting were read and approved, with a correction to the date. Treasurer Gaietto then read the Treasurer’s report, and it was also approved by the membership. Next meeting will be held on Monday, July 18th, at 7:30 PM in the Trinity Chapel.
Old Business -
Meeting places were discussed. The Learning Center has several rooms available at a charge of $25.
The Eagles have a room available, and we are waiting to hear from them after their trustees meet. It would either be a charged amount (to be decided by trustees) or the trustees could donate room.
Other members will be checking into the Moose Lodge and report back.
New Business
Our guest from May’s meeting was not present to be inducted (Jason Brown).
In keeping with our updating of the member roster, we have 17 members who need to pay their dues yet.
Coin Show news – the Kenton newspaper refunded on advertising, which updated our proceeds to $430.
Red Books are still available at $11.
Vince offered Sally Ride quarters at face value.
Phil Cole announced that there is another Layton Schultz auction on the 30th, with 2-3 more shows likely from that collection.
The meeting was adjourned, and door prizes and auction followed.
Auction list on the next page. Following that is a list from Rob Thornton, who is looking to sell off his collection. He has been cleared to present his collection during the socialization time before the meeting starts. Members who are interested should arrive early enough to view and discuss terms with Rob. Also, he can be contacted for other arrangements.